It’s the most wonderful time of the year
With the kid’s jingle belling
And everyone telling you – be of good cheer
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

Yes, and no. For the multi-tasking, got it all together, presents bought and wrapped, traffic hating, carpool line parent- it can be a tumultuous time of the year. Nowhere near calm. Happy that parties for Chanukah and Christmas are ever so present, but exhausted from keeping it all running smoothly. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility involved in raising children and feeling the pressure to get it all done within a specific time frame. Sometimes, you feel like you’re being pulled from all angles and nothing you do is good enough. When your kids start throwing tantrums, fighting over the same toys, or taking forever to brush their teeth, you may feel like you are about to explode. This is an indicator that your self-care needs a tune-up, and the following suggestions can help you redirect your focus to gain more patience.

Mama’s Five Tips

So, I offer you wonderful Mama’s five tips on staying calm.

  1. Mindfulness. If you find yourself overreacting to any given situation, mindfulness may be difficult at first, but incredibly rewarding.
  2. Check your expectations. Is what you are asking of your child developmentally and age-appropriate?
  3. Re-assess. Check your to-do list. Are there things that can be pushed off for a later date?
  4. Ask for help. Check your agenda. Can you delegate some things to others?
  5. Take a breather. When you feel like this may be a moment when you’ve had enough, take a minute and step out of the situation.

I also am a big fan of Rachel Macy Stafford and her Hands-Free Journey. I love her blog posts and her last book Hands-Free Life​​. It was a great, heartfelt, tear-jerker read. I highly recommend it. It’s one of those so true, so raw, it hurts and heals at the same time rare finds that really puts life in perspective. Stafford provides 9 tips on leading an enriched life and goes beyond that by giving real-life examples, and tips to make it happen.

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